Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rain, really?

Why is it when we need rain in the summer and only get like one week of it, and don't need it in the fall because it is already cold and miserable? I'm the type of person that could live in 90 degree weather year round, so winter is not really my thing. Mike and I still have not heard back from our accident, so we share my vehicle which I just put a good $500 in. I would rather ride my Schwinn to school but instead since the rain wont ever stop, Mike has to drop me off and pick me up from school. Wheres the fun in that? Other then being upset about the rain, we had lost our Bout against the Cedar Rapids Roller Girls once again. We did a lot better then last time but we also had a couple girls that had gotten hurt pretty bad. Our captain half way in broke her wrist and later found out that she had suffered 3 contusions to her brain. Doctors said she might have permanent brain damage but thinks she'll be fine. Kind of scary, i know. Needless to say she might be pulling out of Derby because if she gets another concussion she will have permanent brain damage. That's what happens in Derby though, i guess. At least we don't have another Bout for over a month. Now if we could just get this rain to stop, I would be able to enjoy myself. Ive been looking forward to decorating for Halloween, which is my favorite Holiday by the way. I do not put any decorations out unless its Halloween. So one of these days BEFORE Halloween I shall decorate!

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